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Information for Researchers: Locality Sample

Two localities in Glasgow City with contrasting socio-residential characteristics were chosen for more intensive study. The aim is to collect data both on the residents and on the area, and to explore processes by which place of residence might influence health and the ability to lead a healthy life. The diagram shows the (approximate) location of our study localities, the NW and SW, and of the four more homogenous neighbourhoods into which we have split them for further analysis.

It also indicates some of the socioeconomic characteristics of these neighbourhoods. The West End is a middle class Victorian urban neighbourhood, and Garscadden is an adjacent inter-war high status local authority housing estate.  Mosspark is a similar estate but located near the poorest area, Greater Pollok, which is a deprived peripheral housing scheme.

Data were collected from residents in the three age cohorts (initial sample sizes around 300 per age group per locality) in 1987/8, 1992, 1997 and 2000/3 and finally 2007.

Locality Map

Twenty-07 Locality Map